Monday 17 March 2008

TV Show on buying in Le Marche

I've just found out that there was a programme about buying a house in the Marche on BBC this morning. I've missed it but am downloading from BBC iPlayer and will post a report once I've seen it. Apparently the basic idea of the show is to take daytime TV "experts" and get them to invest their own money in antiques, property, art or whatever they purport to know about. In this case it's a property expert who wants a property hotspot outside the UK with good potential for making gains and he has identified the Marche as the best place to do that. I'll write more when I know more.

Update: I've watched the film. A bit cheesy but says lots of good things about the area (not sure exactly where he has bought but it isn't far from us. I'll try to grab a couple of clips to post.

Meanwhile it's back to preparing for our trip to Italy on Wednesday. Really looking forward to seeing how the house is doing - but a bit nervous as well.

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